RSS FeedHello! I'm Mariano, a T-Shaped Software Engineer with over 15 years of experience in the industry. I specialize in Infra/Platform Engineering and have worked with organizations ranging from small startups to Fortune 500 companies. My passion lies in solving problems in a balanced way, exploring new technologies, and leading teams to deliver high-quality software solutions.
Recent Posts
TypeScript's paths option in tsconfig.json could be evil
Published:Using TypeScript's paths option in tsconfig.json could be problematic in some scenarios.
Enhanced developer experience with Direnv for secrets management
Published:Making it easier to manage secrets for local development environments
Inexpensive Kubernetes cluster on Hetzner Cloud Servers, with Istio and FluxCD
Published:A K3S cluster on Hetzner Cloud Servers using Terraform, K3S and FluxCD.
HTMX + AlpineJS, NestJS + TSX to-do app
Published:A simple todo app built with HTMX + AlpineJS, NestJS and TSX server side rendering.