Well, I just switched from Prelude to Spacemacs and one of the first things I wanted is to know when I’m past the holy column #80 (actually when I’m about to get there, I never get past it lol).
I also wanted to get to know Spacemacs a bit so I decided to load fci-mode from a layer. A layer is a configuration package in Spacemacs: it’s a collection of related packages along with some configuration you would like to add to them. You can read more about them at http://spacemacs.org/doc/DOCUMENTATION#configuration-layers
So his is what I ended up with: https://gist.github.com/mbenedettini/b5e15fa40029c17f071e95d298e3259a
(defconst column-marker-packages
"The list of Lisp packages required by the column-marker layer.
Each entry is either:
1. A symbol, which is interpreted as a package to be installed, or
2. A list of the form (PACKAGE KEYS...), where PACKAGE is the
name of the package to be installed or loaded, and KEYS are
any number of keyword-value-pairs.
The following keys are accepted:
- :excluded (t or nil): Prevent the package from being loaded
if value is non-nil
- :location: Specify a custom installation location.
The following values are legal:
- The symbol `elpa' (default) means PACKAGE will be
installed using the Emacs package manager.
- The symbol `local' directs Spacemacs to load the file at
- A list beginning with the symbol `recipe' is a melpa
recipe. See: https://github.com/milkypostman/melpa#recipe-format")
(defun column-marker/init-fill-column-indicator ()
(use-package fill-column-indicator
:defer t
(setq fci-rule-column 80)
(setq fci-rule-color "gray35")
(eval-after-load 'js2-mode
(add-hook 'js2-mode-hook 'fci-mode)
You will notice that it only gets loaded for js2-mode
but loading it for another major mode is as easy as adding another eval-after-load section.
Improvements? Feel free to get in touch or leave a comment!